package JSynTutorial; /* Put resulting class into tutorial package. */
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*; // must import event handling from AWT 1.1
import java.applet.Applet;
import com.softsynth.jsyn.*;
* Start or stop an oscillator using JSyn.
* AWT 1.1 version
* @author (C) 1998 Phil Burk, All Rights Reserved
* Modifications for AWT 1.1 by Nick Didkovsky
/* DO: Change TUT_SineWave to match the name of your class. Must match file name!
NOTE: this class implements ItemListener, so it can receive ItemEvents from its Checkbox.
Buttons and TextFields, for example, send ActionEvents, so if you want to use those, implement ActionListener.
public class TUT_SineWave extends Applet implements ItemListener
/* DO: Declare Synthesis Objects here */
SineOscillator sineOsc;
LineOut lineOut;
Checkbox checker;
/* Can be run as either an application or as an applet. */
public static void main(String args[])
/* DO: Change TUT_SineWave to match the name of your class. Must match file name! */
TUT_SineWave applet = new TUT_SineWave();
AppletFrame frame = new AppletFrame("Test JSyn", applet);
frame.setSize(300,100); // resize() is deprecated, use setSize();
/* Begin test after frame opened so that DirectSound will use Java window. */
* Setup synthesis by overriding start() method.
public void start()
/* DO: Your setup code goes here. ******************/
/* Create unit generators. */
sineOsc = new SineOscillator() ;
lineOut = new LineOut();
/* Connect oscillator to LineOut so we can hear it. */
sineOsc.output.connect( 0, lineOut.input, 0 );
sineOsc.output.connect( 0, lineOut.input, 1 );
/* Create a button that causes a beep. */
add( checker = new Checkbox("Play Sine Wave Oscillator") );
/* Call us if the user clicks on the checkbox. */
checker.addItemListener( this );
/* Start unit. */
/* *****************************************/
/* Synchronize Java display to make buttons appear. */
} catch(SynthException e) {
* Clean up synthesis by overriding stop() method.
public void stop()
/* Your cleanup code goes here. */
removeAll(); // remove components from Applet panel.
} catch(SynthException e) {
/** Start or stop depending on state of checkbox. */
void handleChecker()
try {
if( checker.getState() )
} catch (SynthException e) {
/* Respond to event using AWT 1.1 Event model. */
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
Object source = e.getSource();
if( source == checker ) handleChecker();
// if you have more than one checkbox, add tests and responses here